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A member registered Oct 04, 2021

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(2 edits)

Yeah, I am not sure if how I would do it would be an appropriate way either,  just an idea. I like that the first conflict of it was an internal one as the players choose how to deal with such an issue, and then an external one as they put their plan into action. 

If they are just cold agents of death, this shouldn't be an issue for them, but it could be if they have the right recovered memories. 

I really need to read more of the book. :)

I just got this game at Origins 2021, and I am excited to dive into it.  I have not had a chance to really dive into all of it yet, and I have read more reviews for it so far than in the book. One concept I had was, what if there is a planet and the dead beings on it developed a way to communicate, like hand signs, and its their only way to communicate, but the method is still in the living world, and has not died out yet. Then the Death Angels would have a moral choice, to destroy the only means of connection these peoples have together, or to overlook it, or maybe some third choice... like destroying the planet... as an act of mercy instead of leaving them without a means to connect. 

I need to read up I know, but this game has my mind working overtime.